A Different Way

to look at Life, Health, Business and Politics

Herpes and Chiropractic

Posted by Marietta chiropractor on September 2, 2010

Wait!   Herpes and chiropractic?  You thought chiropractic was for BACK PAIN, didn’t you?  Well, it’s NOT!  While reviewing statistics on my blog, I noticed that someone used “herpes and chiropractic” as their search criteria.

Sadly, some folks (including lots of chiropractors) think it is.  Over the decades lots of lazy chiropractors have taken the easy road and succumbed to back pain because lots of folks DO seek a drugless, nonsurgical way of dealing with their back pain.  Oh yeah, that’s where the easy insurance money is, too.

But, chiropractic is about much more than mere back pain.  It’s about helping you have MORE LIFE!  It’s about helping your body (hence YOU) functioning at a higher level and with much more ease.

OK, back to herpes.  If you’ve ever known someone with herpes (genital herpes or shingles) you know that it is made worse with stress.  In fact, stress is usually the reason it expresses itself.  We don’t need to get into the epidemiology of herpes. Everyone agrees that once you’ve got it, you’ve got it.

However, you CAN keep it from ruining your life.  You CAN control it somewhat by controlling how you and your body deals with the stress in your life.  That’s where chiropractic comes into play.  Conservative chiropractic care that deals with your autonomic nervous system, specifically your parasympathetic nervous system, helps keep your body calm under stress and helps you manage the effects of stress on your health.

BUT, don’t wait until you have an outbreak of herpes to go see your chiropractor. Find a chiropractor you can see weekly.  You might not get adjusted every week.  But, you should get checked.  It may be your best insurance for avoiding untimely bouts with herpes.

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